Type Select Sale Rent
Category Select Apartments for rentGarage for rentVillas for rentBusiness premise for rent
Code or word
Bedrooms Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 more than 6
Bathrooms Bathrooms 1 2 3 more than 3
Surface Surfacefrom 0 a 50 Sqmda 50 Sqm a 100 Sqmda 100 Sqm a 150 Sqmda 150 Sqm a 200 Sqmda 200 Sqm a 250 Sqmda 250 Sqm a 300 Sqmda 300 Sqm a 400 Sqmda 400 Sqm a 500 Sqmda 500 Sqm to no limit
State StatehabitablefurnishedTo be finished internallyto be restoredto be restored internallynew constructionunder constructionnot furnishedperfectrestored
Order Order Price ascending Price descending for Title A-Z for title Z-A
Within walking distance to the train station and all facilities is this garage-storage on one single...